Sunday, February 6, 2011

Knock Knock Knockin' on 180's Doooooor...

Hey forum,
I kinda realize after the last post that I've already gotten away from the whole point of this blog, which was to describe the process and challenges in losing 30 pounds. So I'll start off this time with the weigh in as of 2/5/11. I weighed in at 190.2 lbs, making a total loss of 12.2 lbs! Not that bad but I'm only a third of the way there! I need to make it to 170 by December 6th, and the challenges will only get harder from here on out. Nicole put it awesome not too long ago. "Think about your weight loss in sticks of butter!" Losing twelve pounds is like losing 48 STICKS OF BUTTER from your body... yyeeeeaaaah, pretty cool huh?

x 12! 
My hardest difficulty in losing weight is mental. I could honestly eat salads all day long and enjoy it. But after losing those first ten pounds, I start telling myself what a great job I'm doing and it's not so bad if I take it easy from here on out. I'm reversing my thinking from here on out. I have to realize how absolutely difficult it is to stay on the right track. How EVERY DAY, you have to make the right decisions for yourself. How ultimately, making the wrong (well... irresponsible choices anyway) means I'm only cheating myself.

NOW for some amazing news. Shrimp! Yeah, shrimp. did you know that 12 pieces of medium sized shrimp is ONLY 80 calories?!?!?! I LOVE shrimp! I've taken to making some caesar salad with garlic, dijon mustard, salt pepper and a dozen pieces of shrimp flash fried with some cajun seasoning. Wicked low on calories and tastes amazing. See, the other thing I'm learning is you really don't need to sacrifice taste to lose weight! You just need to make the RIGHT CHOICES.

Sorry for all the caps today by the way, feel like I need to MAKE A POINT today after those last couple pointless blogs.

For those of you following this blog, you all look great the way you are and are perfect as long as you are happy. But if you feel like you want to make a couple improvements, I invite you to join me. Set a goal date with a reasonable amount of weight to lose. I'd love to start sharing results on this blog and have this be a place of support for all of us. I certainly don't have all the answers, but we can all find them together! Having a tough day? Tough week? I'm here, tracking comments on my blog at ALL times, and we can talk about it!

SOMETHING NEW: I'm going to make a concerted effort in following blogs on posting some low calorie recipes that Nicole and I have tested and approved for taste :)  Stay tuned for some good eats!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Let it snow...

Needless to say, it's been snowing like mad. I really don't want to spend most of this post complaining about the snow... so instead I will complain about SHOVELS!!! Now... I was up on my roof (no not like the Elton John song), shoveling snow off to avoid a possible cave in. Because, let's face it, it's possible.... Close to being done my shovel got jammed into the ice bank and... SNAPPED. I finished the rest off with my feet, and that same night spent over an hour looking for another shovel at ANY store. I checked a 7Eleven for God's sake. I finally found one in the back of Stop & Shop... and now I know why it only cost me $10...

We're hit yet again with another huge storm just last night... and let's just say the maiden voyage of El Shovel Pequeno (that's what I named it, I'm sure you can translate) ended in tragedy. I wasn't NEARLY done shoveling the end of the drive way, where you know, the mountains of hard packed snow are left by plows, when I heard that oh so familiar SNAP... "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I cried out as I threw the decimated handle not unlike a javelin into my yard somewhere... never to been seen again until Spring.
Invest in a good shovel...
The up side is I got an awesome deltoids workout shoveling the rest of my driveway using the actual shovel part with no handle.

Canada... I understand your pain now... Alaska... you have worse problems than snow. There some disease spreading out there called Palin, like a really bad STD. You should look into that.

BUT, this is not a political blog. It's about losing weight, which I have been doing! This past Saturday I weighed in at 191.2 lbs. Then proceeded to celebrate the entire day with my beautiful wife in Newport, RI! So... I'm still bouncing back from whatever beer I drank down there. Speaking of beer, if you are ever down that way, I suggest stopping at the Coddington Brewery where Nicole and I had one of of our top favorite nachos EVAR, and an amazing beer called Doppelbock. We loved it so much we spent the $16 to get a growler of it.

Well, that's been on my mind forum. Drive safe out there and stay warm!